Phone: 724-503-1001 x6135
Office: SWA 300D或汤臣堂教务室(二楼)
Email: smalinak@lb0098.com

Steven Malinak, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry

Degrees: Ph.D. Chemistry, The University of Michigan; B.A. Chemistry, Albion College

Steven Malinak是化学系的教授. While specializing in inorganic chemistry, Dr. Malinak teaches introductory organic chemistry, introductory and advanced inorganic chemistry, and advanced synthetic methods. Dr. 马利纳克还开发了一些跨学科课程, broadly speaking, focus on philosophy of science and human evolution. These courses include Human Origin: Scientific and Christian Perspectives, Sex and Gender Roles: An Evolutionary Perspective, two courses offered through W&J’s First Year Seminar program (Evolution and…, and Earth: With and Without Us), and Star Wars: Exploring a Modern Myth.  

In addition to course development, Dr. Malinak’s scholarly interests include chemical education, synthetic inorganic chemistry, and the exploration of philosophical, 与人类起源问题有关的科学和基督教学术.  His book, 尼采可能是对的:基督教范式及其神性的后批判评价提供了一个平衡,客观,全面的概述,与所有基督徒相关的问题.
