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创建:2020年1月13日|最后更新:2020年9月1日|类别: ,   |  Tagged: ,

校友执行委员会(AEC)是一个专注于加强华盛顿大学的校友团体 & 杰斐逊学院的校友和学生联系.

AEC members, who serve three-year terms, represent a variety of majors, class years, and geographical areas. 了解以下20人组成的委员会,了解更多关于整个AEC的信息

Steve Martin ’81, President

Sewickley, Pennsylvania

An active mentor to W&J学生,史蒂夫重视他与他的W的持续关系&J mentors, 包括经济学和会计学教授,如经济学和商业名誉教授K. Wayne Robison, C.P.A. 作为PNC银行退休的金融服务主管, Steve has focused his career on developing and building relationships and has used this experience to help students and young alumni accelerate their careers.

“I want to leverage my experience and time to help the College move forward in pursuit of strategic objectives. I also want to serve as a conduit to other alumni to understand and represent their interests in the College.”

Elizabeth Wood Sanders ’96

Lumberton, North Carolina

伊丽莎白已经把她的英语专业从W&在她毕业后的岁月里,她得到了很好的利用. 她是Bladen Early College High School的首席英语老师,也是E. Marie Sanders Ink! Publishing. 伊丽莎白参与了信仰会幕基督教中心(青年牧师和舞蹈领袖), 北卡罗来纳州教育工作者协会, 以及北卡罗莱纳州英语教师协会.

“I hope to contribute to the collective voice of the alumni and to help others understand that even though our time of study on campus is over, det365app现在比以往任何时候都更有责任维护母校的声誉和可持续性.”

Brenden Kelley, Esq. ’12

Cleveland Heights, Ohio

还有他在W大学的美好回忆&包括与政治学教授约瑟夫·迪萨罗(Joseph DiSarro)进行政治辩论.D.毫无疑问,布伦登现在是一名律师,和武利格一起练习 & Wuliger. Outside the classroom, he fondly remembers his Alpha Tau Omega fraternity brothers and unique experiences like traveling to The Gambia with Professor of Political Science Buba Misawa, Ph.D. 

“More than just the memories, W&我教会了我很多关于我自己的东西,并在今天的我身上留下了难以置信的印记. That’s why I give back to W&J.”


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